Thursday, December 10, 2009

The art of being

Such a simple concept and yet so hard to do. Many people have asked me to help them with a variety of issues, some are easy others not so easy and yet all have to begin somewhere. And so, I tell people to learn to be. Not be anything to anyone, just be. As we were when we were born, which was the last time any of us could "be". Before the world started to program us. Before we became products of what society and lived the corrupt lives which robbed us of who we truly were meant to be.
I am often asked "How can I be?" and its a real poser of a question at the best of times. The concept is so simple but the reprogramming of the mind is both painful and time consuming. Today, due to the constraints placed on us by all that we have to do and achieve in order to make our way in the rat ract of life, we lose sight of simplicity. We overly complicate our lives because that is what we believe allows us to function.
On my travels and journies to my spirit guide, I have often asked for strength and guidance to keep my focus on being as I too am often distracted by the world around me. My guide usually helps me prioritise the aspects of my life that I seem unable to do and once again I can be. I can once again relax and leave the earthly things behind.
Let me make it quite clear from the outset, that this is not something one achieves merely by stating as a matter of fact that they will just "BE"!! To "be" takes life changing commitment. Not drastically so, as in disowning family and friends but rather an acceptance of our own vuklnerabilities, strengths and weaknesses and learning to cope with these in a world where we are constantly being pressured to conform. "Being" is an act of self reliance. One of internal recognition and belief that one is capable of achieving through personal effort rather than reliance on the requirements of society to attain those things we desire so much. Anything is attainable if we set our minds to it.
How do we dissociate ourselves from society without alienating ourselves from that which we know? Where does the concept of self belief start? Do we have the strength to follow our hearts at whatever the cost to ourselves in order to achieve what it is we desire? And do we really want to meet the person behind the mask we have so carefully manufactured for ourselves, to hide our true selves from people?
I have discovered much about these aspects of life and made innumerable mistakes in the process. I have wronged others and have been wronged in unimaginable ways and at great cost. But all these things have formed the me that I am and have guided me to the point that I could "be". Where I could discover the purpose the gods have for me in this life, and granted me a glimpse into the next. It has taught me how to forgive and how to learn to ALLOW others to forgive me. First do no harm, then help those that seek guidance. The gods have granted me powers that are immeasurably strong and allow me to make a choice,good or bad, to use these gifts.
I hope to address the issues of "being" in this blog. I hope to help others to learn to become who they really are and discover their full potential. And in all of this, hopefully, help others to "BE".

Just to "be". Yourself,myself as the gods wish it to be.